sugar machines

We love our candy, chocolates and ice-cream treats globally. Yet have you ever stopped to really think about what goes into creating these delicious treats? And it all originates with a thing of sugar! A key ingredient used in most sweet dishes and snacks, this multi-faceted product can be extracted from sugarcane or sugar beet.

Sugar was a difficult product to produce in yesteryear. People would have had to labour away collecting the sugarcane or sugar beets, squeezing them to get hold of the sweet juice. After that, the freshly pressed juice had to be further boiled and evaporated until finally crunchable sugar crystals formed. This was a typical traditional method, that used to take lot of time and efforts.

But over time innovation gave birth to radical sugar machines. These brilliant machines overhauled the way in which sugar was made, making it efficient and fast.

The Genesis of Sugar Machines

The sugar machines were first made in the 18th century Europe. A key figure, Andreas Marggraf figured out how to isolate sugar from the roots of sugar beets It was a huge technological breakthrough, as up until this point sugar had always been produced from sugarcane.

There were many inventions of sugar machines in the 19th century. The Sugar Granulator was an innovative machine first introduced by Benjamin Howard in 1812. Sugar crystals were finally manufactured on a much larger scale due to this invention.

After Howard's groundbreaking success, many inventors improved the sugar-processing mechanisms until these parts were made very refined. These included sugarcane grinding devices, juice boiling apparatus and sugar crystals separation from molasses.

Nowadays, sugar machines are everywhere, and they have an indispensable position in the international food industry.

Why choose SUNZEE sugar machines?

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